Some of you may be aware some may not so I am blogging so that you all know just how amazing Amber is.
A short while ago Shado came to Amber to let her know that due to things happening in his RL he had to let the sim go and offered her the option to take it over. As you can imagine it was a big decision, she didn’t want to move the Cage yet again. So she agonised over the decision whether to take on the time and financial commitment of the sim or just let it and the Cage go.

As I knew she would, because she doesn’t give up on things, she took over the sim so the Cage has a permanent home. Then Shado says to her he is clearing the sim so she needs to put something out and to play with the terraforming, best way to learn. She was in my IM going OMG I have no idea how to do this. Anyway the next day I log in and Amber is in my IM “come look” and there is this sim all snowy and when talking to her can hear the amazement at herself that wow it wasn’t that hard to do. But again I knew that she was more than capable of doing it all. Just like I was sure she would have no problems with subdividing land even though it was something she was concerned about, I watched her there with her little bits of wood calculating plot sizes, so gave her a plot sized prim and then she was off measuring, planning and adjusting land as if she had been doing this forever.

For days every night Amber was up most of the night working, terraforming, planting trees, redesigning the sim, creating a stunning winter wonderland not only for the people living on the sim but for everyone to enjoy. That is what I think she forgets sometimes about herself that makes a difference, Amber really enjoys seeing other people enjoy themselves. All the work it has taken her to get the sim to where it is, the time and the real money that she has committed to it she has done because of that. The easy option would have been to say oh well the club can close and the sim can disappear into the ethers after all it is SL things change all the time. But that is not who she is, Amber loves people, she loves the Club and seeing people enjoy themselves there and now as an extension of that she has the whole sim, where she will I know work to keep it a wonderful place to be both for the tenants and visitors.

Amber… you may have doubted yourself and let what other people think add to those doubts BUT I was always sure that your skills and capabilities would shine through and I am sure that many others reading this will agree. So the next time you doubt yourself in anyway just pop back to the blog quickly and have a read because this is a permanent reminder to YOU that you are a talented, tenacious, creative and a total people person and that who you are shines through in everything you do on SL and that my friend is why people come to the Club and now the sim…..