Well I could lie...and say it has NO effect on my Real Life...but pfft who am I kidding. Its 3 am...I couldn't sleep, so where do I come ..? Second LIfe....
Anyone who reads my profile....or chats with me...knows my opinions on the separation of the two worlds. I dont believe there IS a true separation.
Sure...you can schedule SL time in your day...and that is precisely how I began my SL life. There was a window during my day where I allowed myself to get lost in here.
Obviously as time went on and I established REAL relationships with people in world, that amount of time grew. It also became a part of my RL day - connecting with my online friends and of course the Cage. I have been doing the Club for over 2 years now...every day. I can honestly say that I still enjoy it. I still enjoy watching everyone dance, meeting and forming relationships, and the chat. I enjoy the networking and the interaction that comes from my time in SL...otherwise I wouldn't still be here.
So what keeps us here ? Is it escapism...is it a game ? Are the relationships formed here real or not? Is the club real ? My emphatic answer to all of these questions is YES. Yes the club is real...People choose to come the Cage and Dance and chat and meet friends...that is a REal feeling inspired by what we do in world...encouraging people to sit in front of their computers. YES the club is real ....I spend every day there organising hosts, schedules, lindens and competitions. The virtuality of it is of no consequence to me....for the people who are attending are REAL People :)
As for the friendships, the relationships I have formed in here. Of course they are real. My friends list is NOT that long, however I do have people in world who I have become very close to. The most interesting part about in world friendships is the basis on which they grow. The initial interaction, the connections that are made are always based on the pure personality of that individual. None of it is based on race, size, beauty or image. When in SL ...connections are very quickly established or not. ( Well for me anyway ! )
I value my relationships in sl. My time spent in here is limited, and I try to make the most of every minute. I do prioritise my time, and there are those who I will 'always ' make time for and will always be a priority for me. I try to be honest about my intentions in world...and always encourage my friends to reciprocate that honesty. I do not indulge in game playing, and I have no desire to judge others. This is not an environment in which ANY of us can know the absolute truth behind every persons avatar...and there is no place for judgement. Therefore our SL relationships can only be measured by behaviour inworld and the online depth and level of communication we allow ourselves to have with one another. ( eg emails, some of you even have mobiles ! MSN, Yahoo etc )
Whyyyy am I telling you this ??
I guess because I am questioning
I guess because of a number of reasons....I have had some definate changes in the direction of my Second Life journey recently, and it has given me the time and opportunity to step back and view things through different eyes.
Amber is not an easy person to be friends with! She is opinionated, kinda bossy, and sometimes downright outspoken. She talks a lot, sometimes too much and she tends to dominate conversations at the Cage. She tries to uphold a broad view of values and expectations in both worlds. She is however, Real...which means she doesn't always going to get it right !
I value my sl time more than ever now..! One would think that it would be less valued as time goes on ...and taken for granted more? The reality is the opposite has happened for me. I value others time more than ever. I see the worth in someones choice to spend time with me....I see the importance of that time more than ever. I appreciate the friendships offered to me more than perhaps those people realise.
I realise my worth as a friend, is measured by the time, the energy, the words, the efforts & behaviour people show towards me in world....all of these things do not go unnoticed by me. My observation, is that it appears a lot of us in world dont see this value. My concern is that we may lose what is a real friendship with someone, because we label it as virtual.
My hope is that we all realise the worth we have to each other. My message to those who might like to consider it....is that your in - world behaviour , your words, your time, the way you 'portray' your avatar - does become a measure of value to others...as their's is to you.
From my perspective ...after 2 years plus.....I can only impart this.
My RL has been blessed by the time I have spent in world with my dearest friends.
My RL life has only been enhanced by having these experiences.
My RL life has changed considerably because of the relationships I have formed in SL.
My SL continues ...
changing constantly
still learning.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
I am in love!!!
With my new desk (pictures Amber rolling her eyes).
Yes sad I know but OMG it is beautiful, not to mention a bargain ... shhh don't tell anyone but aiming for the matching credenza now.
Why do I love it so much? Well like the rest of you I do spend quite a bit of time in front of my pc, so I like to have a nice area, this is solid, looks amazing and is just a lovely environment to be in.
Judge for yourself!!

Okay so I just had to toss in a picture showing the new shops on screen!!
Yes sad I know but OMG it is beautiful, not to mention a bargain ... shhh don't tell anyone but aiming for the matching credenza now.
Why do I love it so much? Well like the rest of you I do spend quite a bit of time in front of my pc, so I like to have a nice area, this is solid, looks amazing and is just a lovely environment to be in.
Judge for yourself!!

Okay so I just had to toss in a picture showing the new shops on screen!!

Friday, September 4, 2009
Amber said...
lets go shopping later... but then Amber wasn't there.... soooooo Q left to her own devices bought some more land... and what to do with that land well of course what else move the shop out of the sky and on to the ground.
Amber arrives... Amber says ohhhhh lets go shop shopping... so off we toddle and us being us make a decision very fast come back with new shops.. spend the next couple of days setting it all up.
So we have two lovely new stylish shops that we spend a lot of time walking around and admiring.
When I get a chance will stick in a few pictures for you and try to think of something more profound to blog about!!
Amber arrives... Amber says ohhhhh lets go shop shopping... so off we toddle and us being us make a decision very fast come back with new shops.. spend the next couple of days setting it all up.
So we have two lovely new stylish shops that we spend a lot of time walking around and admiring.
When I get a chance will stick in a few pictures for you and try to think of something more profound to blog about!!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
DONT give me that RL & SL lines dont blurrrr......
Oh Pleaseee ? If I read " I keep my RL and SL separate" on someones profile again - I'm gonna puke !!!!! Of course you dooooo....especially if your married with 3 kids and your having an SL relationship with the Queen of Sheba ..and your wife thinks your playing ONLINE CHESS !!!! Duh........
but lets face it !! SL involves RL feelings ALL THE TIME !!
Ok....so normally I try to sit on the fence when it comes to this discussion...because EVERYONE has their own take on this subject. Its almost as contraversial as the partnership / marriage conversations!!
However, recent conversations / activities in my Second Life have led me to some very certain conclusions about how we expend our energy in world.
The Club is a perfect example of this, and after being there for nearly 2 years, I feel confident in sharing these observations with you.
I am an avid group IM watcher, and I enjoy watching people interact. I feel I have learnt ( and continue to learn ) a lot about how characters interact in SEcond LIfe.
My goal, within sl and also in rl...is to simply show the respect to others - that I would like given to me. Sounds simple enough huh ? ..Well....
Sometimes, I fall off my wagon. Sometimes I am so busy enjoying myself, I cant see the forest for the trees. Sometimes, my opinions and my 'big mouth'...simply get in the way - and I realise too late, that I have in fact - broken my own rules ! As long as I eventually realise this...I am not too hard on myself. ( Depending on the carnage involved )
and I fall off sometimes...because I get caught in the vortex of the Second Life emotional roller coaster......
RL and SL are separate ...mmmmmm......ok .....
- tell that to the Avatar who insists on bringing their RL standards into SL.
- tell that to the Avatar sitting in the corner crying because their SL husband just left them.
- tell that to the Avatar who has been complaining to me for the past hour about how they were offended by the use of the word 'baby' in the context of the previous sentence.
- tell that to the Avatar who is the alt of someones brother who is spying on their X girlfriend while they dance with the alt of their best friend !
- tell that to the Avatar who is feeling hurt by others in world who were discussing his personality , and then cut and paste it to someone else ?
None of this has ANYTHING to do with Rl feelings right ???
RL and SL are separate !!
I dont agree. OMG....I sooooo dont agreeeeeeeee !!!!
Anyone will tell you, their SL feelings and interactions can effect their RL day.
Anyone will tell you, that their RL day can effect the way they interact in SL.
Anyone will tell you, that the reason they come to SL or talk to a particular friend in world, is because of the RL feelings that inspire them to return.
Anyone will tell you, if someone in SL decides to label you a certain way ( eg. arrogant, naive, dumb for whatever reason ) ...it is taken personally....involving RL feelings.
Anyone who has expressed Love, devotion, care or concern for someone in SL ..KNOWS that ALL these feelings are not limited to SL...they extend beyond the screen to the real person behind it. The real person, with real feelings.
Needless to say, many folk in SL portray feelings that simply dont exist. Many make brazen remarks regarding others feelings and personalities without considering the consequences on ones rl feelings.
We have a small chat box ( for the majority ), and the words chosen to communicate need to be chosen with care. Voice eliminates a lot of confusion, but generally we use the chat. One word, one sentence can be misconstrued, misunderstood, perceived in many different ways. We need to take care with the words we choose, because like it or not, RL feelings WILL be effected by your comments.
I dare to say it is an impossible task, to keep RL and SL separate. Along with the experience at the Cage, a lot of people ask us...What do people want ? Why do people come back ? What is the lure of the Cage? Or why DONT people come back ??
There is simply ONE answer I can give - and I give it with absolute confidence.
People go back to a venue in sl ...be it a Club, a particular sim , a role play area whatever .....because they ENJOY it ...!! Simple...they ENJOY IT in RL. It is not their Avatar having feelings of joy, or pleasure! It is not their avatar, typing words onto the screen, its the Real person, who makes a RL decision to log on, because of their RL feelings.
Of coure there are other factors....They may Enjoy the atmosphere ! = RL Feeling.
They may enjoy the MUSIC = RL feeling.
They may enjoy the COMPANY = RL feeling.
'Some' people can separate. Some people are able to completely define their role play in SL, and remain 'removed' emotionally. ( eg Zombies ) I suggest to you that even these stalwart, hard - core individuals, allow their RL feelings to contribute to their SL.
People come back to the Cage because they enjoy it in their RL !! Simple !!
The eternal theory of SL and RL being separate entities is a myth, as far as I can see...you cannot have one without the other !
Amber winks !! I wouldnt be here ...if my RL body didn't sit down at the computer and log on :)
P.S....I think its grand ....and fantabulous....that my RL feelings cross into SL.
I feel honoured and privelaged to be able to experience and learn in RL ...from the individuals I meet in SL. I encourage you all to embrace the philosphy that the two go hand in hand.....go for the ride....stop fighting the crossover and go with it. Learning about yourself is always liberating. Sure..it sucks sometimes too, but you cant have it all one way :)
but lets face it !! SL involves RL feelings ALL THE TIME !!
Ok....so normally I try to sit on the fence when it comes to this discussion...because EVERYONE has their own take on this subject. Its almost as contraversial as the partnership / marriage conversations!!
However, recent conversations / activities in my Second Life have led me to some very certain conclusions about how we expend our energy in world.
The Club is a perfect example of this, and after being there for nearly 2 years, I feel confident in sharing these observations with you.
I am an avid group IM watcher, and I enjoy watching people interact. I feel I have learnt ( and continue to learn ) a lot about how characters interact in SEcond LIfe.
My goal, within sl and also in rl...is to simply show the respect to others - that I would like given to me. Sounds simple enough huh ? ..Well....
Sometimes, I fall off my wagon. Sometimes I am so busy enjoying myself, I cant see the forest for the trees. Sometimes, my opinions and my 'big mouth'...simply get in the way - and I realise too late, that I have in fact - broken my own rules ! As long as I eventually realise this...I am not too hard on myself. ( Depending on the carnage involved )
and I fall off sometimes...because I get caught in the vortex of the Second Life emotional roller coaster......
RL and SL are separate ...mmmmmm......ok .....
- tell that to the Avatar who insists on bringing their RL standards into SL.
- tell that to the Avatar sitting in the corner crying because their SL husband just left them.
- tell that to the Avatar who has been complaining to me for the past hour about how they were offended by the use of the word 'baby' in the context of the previous sentence.
- tell that to the Avatar who is the alt of someones brother who is spying on their X girlfriend while they dance with the alt of their best friend !
- tell that to the Avatar who is feeling hurt by others in world who were discussing his personality , and then cut and paste it to someone else ?
None of this has ANYTHING to do with Rl feelings right ???
RL and SL are separate !!
I dont agree. OMG....I sooooo dont agreeeeeeeee !!!!
Anyone will tell you, their SL feelings and interactions can effect their RL day.
Anyone will tell you, that their RL day can effect the way they interact in SL.
Anyone will tell you, that the reason they come to SL or talk to a particular friend in world, is because of the RL feelings that inspire them to return.
Anyone will tell you, if someone in SL decides to label you a certain way ( eg. arrogant, naive, dumb for whatever reason ) ...it is taken personally....involving RL feelings.
Anyone who has expressed Love, devotion, care or concern for someone in SL ..KNOWS that ALL these feelings are not limited to SL...they extend beyond the screen to the real person behind it. The real person, with real feelings.
Needless to say, many folk in SL portray feelings that simply dont exist. Many make brazen remarks regarding others feelings and personalities without considering the consequences on ones rl feelings.
We have a small chat box ( for the majority ), and the words chosen to communicate need to be chosen with care. Voice eliminates a lot of confusion, but generally we use the chat. One word, one sentence can be misconstrued, misunderstood, perceived in many different ways. We need to take care with the words we choose, because like it or not, RL feelings WILL be effected by your comments.
I dare to say it is an impossible task, to keep RL and SL separate. Along with the experience at the Cage, a lot of people ask us...What do people want ? Why do people come back ? What is the lure of the Cage? Or why DONT people come back ??
There is simply ONE answer I can give - and I give it with absolute confidence.
People go back to a venue in sl ...be it a Club, a particular sim , a role play area whatever .....because they ENJOY it ...!! Simple...they ENJOY IT in RL. It is not their Avatar having feelings of joy, or pleasure! It is not their avatar, typing words onto the screen, its the Real person, who makes a RL decision to log on, because of their RL feelings.
Of coure there are other factors....They may Enjoy the atmosphere ! = RL Feeling.
They may enjoy the MUSIC = RL feeling.
They may enjoy the COMPANY = RL feeling.
'Some' people can separate. Some people are able to completely define their role play in SL, and remain 'removed' emotionally. ( eg Zombies ) I suggest to you that even these stalwart, hard - core individuals, allow their RL feelings to contribute to their SL.
People come back to the Cage because they enjoy it in their RL !! Simple !!
The eternal theory of SL and RL being separate entities is a myth, as far as I can see...you cannot have one without the other !
Amber winks !! I wouldnt be here ...if my RL body didn't sit down at the computer and log on :)
P.S....I think its grand ....and fantabulous....that my RL feelings cross into SL.
I feel honoured and privelaged to be able to experience and learn in RL ...from the individuals I meet in SL. I encourage you all to embrace the philosphy that the two go hand in hand.....go for the ride....stop fighting the crossover and go with it. Learning about yourself is always liberating. Sure..it sucks sometimes too, but you cant have it all one way :)
Monday, May 25, 2009
I have come to the conclusion…
that I will have to stop singing when driving. Unlike Madam Amber I never sing when anyone can hear because well quite frankly I can't sing… but this doesn't mean that when I am in my car alone, listening to the radio as I drive that I don't enjoy singing along to the music.
So why should I stop you ask? Because as a sad indictment of society today, it appears that anyone driving who looks like they are enjoying themselves MUST be drunk. This afternoon yet again, I was pulled over for a random breathe test, not by a roadside set up but by a passing police car, who had to go out of his way to turn around and follow me when there were plenty of other cars going in the same direction he could have chosen to pull over. After testing me and getting a negative result and looking I might add disappointed he was happy to go on his way.
This is not the first time this has happened to me, and EVERY time it has been when I have obviously been enjoying myself while driving. On one occasion I looked the police officer in the eye and said "you pulled me over because I was singing and having fun didn't you?" He never actually answered my question but he did blush brightly, leading me to conclude that I was right.
I never drink and drive, I never have so I don't have a problem with random breathe testing. But I do object to the fact that one criteria for "random" appears to be someone enjoying themselves. I think it is sad that just because one is having a good time it is assumed that there is a good chance they are drunk… sheesh, if that is the criteria then we must all be off our faces with alcohol at the Cage every day, because we have a lot of fun there and the majority of the time it is while sober!!!
So why should I stop you ask? Because as a sad indictment of society today, it appears that anyone driving who looks like they are enjoying themselves MUST be drunk. This afternoon yet again, I was pulled over for a random breathe test, not by a roadside set up but by a passing police car, who had to go out of his way to turn around and follow me when there were plenty of other cars going in the same direction he could have chosen to pull over. After testing me and getting a negative result and looking I might add disappointed he was happy to go on his way.
This is not the first time this has happened to me, and EVERY time it has been when I have obviously been enjoying myself while driving. On one occasion I looked the police officer in the eye and said "you pulled me over because I was singing and having fun didn't you?" He never actually answered my question but he did blush brightly, leading me to conclude that I was right.
I never drink and drive, I never have so I don't have a problem with random breathe testing. But I do object to the fact that one criteria for "random" appears to be someone enjoying themselves. I think it is sad that just because one is having a good time it is assumed that there is a good chance they are drunk… sheesh, if that is the criteria then we must all be off our faces with alcohol at the Cage every day, because we have a lot of fun there and the majority of the time it is while sober!!!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Has Q Deserted the Cage???
No, people I have not!! Just unfortunately FL is rearing its ugly head. Have to move houses and I although I am logging in to SL, I am spending a lot of time packing things up in preparation for the move, and unfortunately being in Aussie land, Cage playtime is daytime for me and when I have the most time to get stuff done.
Still love you all and miss you... but I will be back with avengence when all settled.
Huggies to all
Still love you all and miss you... but I will be back with avengence when all settled.
Huggies to all
Monday, May 11, 2009
Keeping Emotional Perspective in SL
Something that is sometimes easier said than done, as what we know intellectually does not always correlate with how we feel emotionally. This is where having good people around you really helps. In my case when I am losing the plot Amber steps in with "you are not okay… I know". like her little terrier Ruby, Amber doesn't let go and keeps at me until I crack and admit that I am not okay and then after chatting I really am okay as that was what I needed and this puts me back on an even keel. And as for Amber well when she loses the plot I am there to jump in with all the logic to help defray the emotional responses.
SL by its nature focuses on the mental and emotional attachments we make and of course being the humans we are those will at times war with each other. Also the fact that again by its nature SL is just that second life and first life whether we like it or not has to take precedence and again even though we know this is the case intellectually we all sometimes need someone else to come along and remind our emotions of that fact. Just because we understand something doesn't mean that our emotional responses are any different. The trick is working your way through those and you know I think that is truly wonderful in itself because it really teaches us so much about ourselves and our ability to process and control ourselves.
Yes of course being a female I am writing this from a female perspective and yes we do generally process things differently to males (stop grinning Mr Glaz).
So to those of you out there silently stressing away over the slightest thing… remember that is what friends are for to see you through the ups and downs and keep you grounded.
SL by its nature focuses on the mental and emotional attachments we make and of course being the humans we are those will at times war with each other. Also the fact that again by its nature SL is just that second life and first life whether we like it or not has to take precedence and again even though we know this is the case intellectually we all sometimes need someone else to come along and remind our emotions of that fact. Just because we understand something doesn't mean that our emotional responses are any different. The trick is working your way through those and you know I think that is truly wonderful in itself because it really teaches us so much about ourselves and our ability to process and control ourselves.
Yes of course being a female I am writing this from a female perspective and yes we do generally process things differently to males (stop grinning Mr Glaz).
So to those of you out there silently stressing away over the slightest thing… remember that is what friends are for to see you through the ups and downs and keep you grounded.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Drama Queen ...moi ???
I was recently referred to ..as a Drama Queen. Yes , I know ..can u believe it ??
Now, normally - I would be offended by a statement like this - because I do my best to avoid Drama. However, it seems, that this opinion could be shared by others.
What was interesting about this statement, is that it made me realise, that in this particular instance - I WAS in fact, being a drama queen. What can I say ? It happens. It was a defining moment for me...because it brought me back into perspective. It also was a defining moment to realise the person who told me, knew me well enough to recognise my behaviour had reached Drama Queen proportions - and was comfortable enough in our friendship to say so. My first reaction was to actually thank this person - for slapping me back down to earth...( sl earth so to speak )
The thing is ...in here - this damn little box we use to communicate - is often all we have. If we dont get the right words in there - all hell can break loose in our minds. Yes !! It can !! Especially us women.
However, the thing to note here is....I dont throw a tantrum over small things. If I feel strongly about something, I will persue my convictions and wont back down easily. Sometimes this can be misconstrued as a " Drama Queen " episode or a " Tantrum". Quite frankly, if your lucky enough to be that close to me to experience either of these, its a damn privelage. I dont crack easily. :)
So ...Im going to hand out a few tips here for you people who chat to me in IM.
- first of all - if u engage an Im with me , this requires one on one communication with me. Im not a fan of starting a convo then wizzing off to chat to 10 other people, while you leave me hanging ??? If I have you in IM , I will speak to you and only you and other Ims will wait. That is just how I am.
- secondly, if you leave...please say goodbye. I dunno if I need to wait for that next sentence or if your afk, or what . Drives me nuts...if you dont say goodbye.
- thirdly, choose your words carefully. I speak to a lot of different people in Second Life. Surprisingly, it is a small world. If your going to discuss other people with me ( ie bitch and moan ) be sure to have your facts straight, as the reality is, I probably know who your talking about LOL. I am completely over ' hearing' what someone said " I said or did" or didnt do. If you need information about me or something I said or did , ASK ME !! You know what they say ....its always best to get it straight from the horses mouth. I also choose not to listen to gossip / innuendo about other people. I make my own choices about personalities in SL, and its rarely based on others opinions.
As for the Drama Queen thing. I am the first to admit, over indulging in Second Life, can create a vortex of misunderstood sentences, inaccurate perceptions, and ultimately complete distortions of the intended message. I try to maintain perspective daily in Second Life. Sometimes I lose it...just like everybody else.
Im lucky to have good people around me - who love me enough to tell me when I'm spinning out of control.....it doesnt happen often. But it can happen.....
I believe - A little Drama Queen Tantrum once in a while - doesnt hurt anybody !
I intend to have more episodes.....
stay tuned.
Now, normally - I would be offended by a statement like this - because I do my best to avoid Drama. However, it seems, that this opinion could be shared by others.
What was interesting about this statement, is that it made me realise, that in this particular instance - I WAS in fact, being a drama queen. What can I say ? It happens. It was a defining moment for me...because it brought me back into perspective. It also was a defining moment to realise the person who told me, knew me well enough to recognise my behaviour had reached Drama Queen proportions - and was comfortable enough in our friendship to say so. My first reaction was to actually thank this person - for slapping me back down to earth...( sl earth so to speak )
The thing is ...in here - this damn little box we use to communicate - is often all we have. If we dont get the right words in there - all hell can break loose in our minds. Yes !! It can !! Especially us women.
However, the thing to note here is....I dont throw a tantrum over small things. If I feel strongly about something, I will persue my convictions and wont back down easily. Sometimes this can be misconstrued as a " Drama Queen " episode or a " Tantrum". Quite frankly, if your lucky enough to be that close to me to experience either of these, its a damn privelage. I dont crack easily. :)
So ...Im going to hand out a few tips here for you people who chat to me in IM.
- first of all - if u engage an Im with me , this requires one on one communication with me. Im not a fan of starting a convo then wizzing off to chat to 10 other people, while you leave me hanging ??? If I have you in IM , I will speak to you and only you and other Ims will wait. That is just how I am.
- secondly, if you leave...please say goodbye. I dunno if I need to wait for that next sentence or if your afk, or what . Drives me nuts...if you dont say goodbye.
- thirdly, choose your words carefully. I speak to a lot of different people in Second Life. Surprisingly, it is a small world. If your going to discuss other people with me ( ie bitch and moan ) be sure to have your facts straight, as the reality is, I probably know who your talking about LOL. I am completely over ' hearing' what someone said " I said or did" or didnt do. If you need information about me or something I said or did , ASK ME !! You know what they say ....its always best to get it straight from the horses mouth. I also choose not to listen to gossip / innuendo about other people. I make my own choices about personalities in SL, and its rarely based on others opinions.
As for the Drama Queen thing. I am the first to admit, over indulging in Second Life, can create a vortex of misunderstood sentences, inaccurate perceptions, and ultimately complete distortions of the intended message. I try to maintain perspective daily in Second Life. Sometimes I lose it...just like everybody else.
Im lucky to have good people around me - who love me enough to tell me when I'm spinning out of control.....it doesnt happen often. But it can happen.....
I believe - A little Drama Queen Tantrum once in a while - doesnt hurt anybody !
I intend to have more episodes.....
stay tuned.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Second Life in First Life
Reading Amber's blog made me realise how different our SL is from a lot of people's. Like Amber SL is not something I have to hide, my whole family is aware of it and sitting here thinking about it, they are not just aware of it but SL is very much a part of my FL.
Okay for starters one of the reasons I use the term FL (First Life, not Florida!!), is that for me the term real life is not an apt term as I consider both my first life and second life to be "real". I am interacting with "real" people, have "real" friends, "real" feelings… you get the point!!
Amber and I spend quite a bit of time when inworld in private voice, the reason we usually stick to private is that our first lives go on around our SL, at any given time we both have family popping in and out of the room, Amber's family know who I am and my family know who she is. We will be up and down doing things in FL while on SL, chatting to kids, answering questions and all sorts of "normal" first life stuff. As Amber said you do get very quick with camming away when there are things around children shouldn't see or I find more often that during the time my child is around I am at the Cage so camming away is not an issue but using the inventory box to cover chat that a child shouldn't see is a handy skill!!
But I love that she is comfortable with my second life, that it is not something weird to her, yes she thinks of it as "mummy's game" but I really am not getting into the difference between a game and SL to a 9 year old!! She knows all my friends on sight, many times I will be at the Cage and she will walk in the room and go "oooh I like what MaD is wearing" and can pick all my friends AVs from across the room. And woe betide if I don't call her in to see the latest AV Pang is sporting …. mum is in trouble then… lol.
There are times when SL is all mine, no one is around and I can totally enjoy "my world" but I do love that I can also share it. An example of this was when I went on a tour of the Dresden Gallery in SL, and listened to the "audio tour". My daughter sat next to me as my AV wandered around a famous art gallery on the other side of the world, something that we would never have the chance to do in First Life.
And how do my family benefit from my being on SL? Well they have a person who is much more content and happy, trivial things that before would drive me crazy no longer bother me because I am happy in myself.
So Madam Amber to your FL friends who don't even want to acknowledge or understand SL… I say PFFFTTT to them because they are the ones missing out and I know that you would love to share the fun times on SL with them but that is their loss not yours and be glad that your immediate family are fine with you having SL as part of their lives because in that we are both blessed.
Ciao for now Q
Okay for starters one of the reasons I use the term FL (First Life, not Florida!!), is that for me the term real life is not an apt term as I consider both my first life and second life to be "real". I am interacting with "real" people, have "real" friends, "real" feelings… you get the point!!
Amber and I spend quite a bit of time when inworld in private voice, the reason we usually stick to private is that our first lives go on around our SL, at any given time we both have family popping in and out of the room, Amber's family know who I am and my family know who she is. We will be up and down doing things in FL while on SL, chatting to kids, answering questions and all sorts of "normal" first life stuff. As Amber said you do get very quick with camming away when there are things around children shouldn't see or I find more often that during the time my child is around I am at the Cage so camming away is not an issue but using the inventory box to cover chat that a child shouldn't see is a handy skill!!
But I love that she is comfortable with my second life, that it is not something weird to her, yes she thinks of it as "mummy's game" but I really am not getting into the difference between a game and SL to a 9 year old!! She knows all my friends on sight, many times I will be at the Cage and she will walk in the room and go "oooh I like what MaD is wearing" and can pick all my friends AVs from across the room. And woe betide if I don't call her in to see the latest AV Pang is sporting …. mum is in trouble then… lol.
There are times when SL is all mine, no one is around and I can totally enjoy "my world" but I do love that I can also share it. An example of this was when I went on a tour of the Dresden Gallery in SL, and listened to the "audio tour". My daughter sat next to me as my AV wandered around a famous art gallery on the other side of the world, something that we would never have the chance to do in First Life.
And how do my family benefit from my being on SL? Well they have a person who is much more content and happy, trivial things that before would drive me crazy no longer bother me because I am happy in myself.
So Madam Amber to your FL friends who don't even want to acknowledge or understand SL… I say PFFFTTT to them because they are the ones missing out and I know that you would love to share the fun times on SL with them but that is their loss not yours and be glad that your immediate family are fine with you having SL as part of their lives because in that we are both blessed.
Ciao for now Q
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
This is an interesting question !!! I dont know how it is in America or other countries...but Second LIfe is perceived in Australia as a seedy game for people to get on board and have lots of sex, which of course cause dramas with your rl partner. FOR ME it could be nothing further from that.....
I have NOT become obsessed with online sex....and have not managed to leave my RL partner over it ....he accepts SL as part of my relaxation and enjoyment. The family choose to watch the Simpsons for hours on Tv...and I dont. My husband watches hours of Surfing on cable...and I dont ....so it all evens out. He often comes over to the screen, and says hello to my friends ....sharing a joke or a comment about their clothing....and walks away. My kids look briefly, and I am careful about what I allow them to see. The camera moves quickly when u need it to. :)
( I realise I am luckier than most....as we know many people's partners resent SL and consider the connections 'affairs' etc. If only they realised its much better for your RL partner to have an 'online' lover than a RL lover. )
I get very frustrated when people blame sl for marriage breakdowns. If the relationship was solid and fine to start with - SL is not going to destroy it. Marriages breakdown for many more reasons - other than Second Life. Im not sure if these people realise it...but people are having on line sex on Yahoo, Msn, and various other online spaces on the net. Second Life certainly doesnt have the corner on this market !
The thing that probably frustrates me the most....is that NONE of my RL friends or family for that matter ..understand SL ...however are very quick to judge it and criticize it ! I would love nothing more than to meet my dear RL Friends on here and party the night away !! Not all live close by anymore..and I know that if they ever bothered to jump in ...they would have a BLAST !!
One friend would make a fortune singing Live on sl !! Yes my dear ..u know who you are. Another would be a marvellous teacher on here !! I see our world as a simple extension of the old days of Pen Pals ...!!
I have met SL men who regularly meet their college mates online and play poker. There are large corporations holding board meetings in world ? Why wont my friends just come have a dance ? Alas...they dont. I shall remain the poor sad person who has become addicted.....yes ADDICTED to SL....Happily Addicted. I could be addicted to alcohol, drugs or the Milkman. I think my choice is ok :)
The rumors have circulated regularly amongst my rl friends - that I have 'lost the plot' and 'need help'. Little do they realise - that I have some of the most stimulating conversations with people from America, Canada, England....etc etc...and am learning sooo much about the world by chatting in this global Environment. I am also learning a lot about the technology of Second Life, and building. It is by far, the most creative place I have ever been.
My darling sister managed to publicy scrutinize me at a recent family function ....not long after there had been an OVER published report about a woman divorcing her husband for having an 'online affair ". First of all ..it was near impossible explaining to her the ridiculousness of divorce over a virtual relationship....and second of all ...she kept referring to the people I meet on here as 'not real' ? ....I kept reminding her that I was in fact a REAL person...and so are all the others...she continued to berate me in front of my family, to which I had to turn away and simply say ...You dont understand SL. It is an individual journey for every person, and we all make choices. She very smartly told me ..that her friends on Facebook are REAL !! duh ? As is her name on Facebook ...and her RL pics that she posts for ALL THE WORLD TO SEE ! but noooo ...Im the one whose lost the plot ??? The fact that I participate in SL with a psuedo name of Amber....and NO RL pics of myself...seemed to be of no relevance ????? I didnt judge her choice to publicly disclose her real life name and pics on the internet. ( and she wonders why I wont join it ?? )
I went out recently with a bunch of girlfriends, one of whom was meeting up with a guy she had met 'on the internet'. Nobody at the table questioned this at all. Well perhaps it was discussed... briefly...but we were all excited to meet the 30 year old man my friend was about to meet. This man was driving for an hour and a half to meet my gf ...and 'have a drink'. As we waited, one of my friends said to me...."He could be an axe murderer ?". I scanned the room, which was more like a meat market than anything else...and I said to her calmly..."There are probably a few 'axe murderers' here my dear....!"
Just because someone is online doesnt make them a deviate !!!
BTW...the guy ended up being 46...and a non smoker. My gf smokes like a chimney, is a party animal and this guy was a greenie who didnt smoke or drink and protected the environment. Needless to say he left after half an hour.
The other aspect in sl....is that we dont need to lie. We dont need to manifest false ages, false heights, false stories...because there is no need to !! Many still do...but the reality is ...we dont need to ! We can be who we are ..in the security of our Avatars. The usual 'judgement' from others is basically non existent. We have a small box....that relies on words only. Using the oldest, most basic form of communication, words and our minds. We meet each other and connect with that little box and our words. We decide if we connect with that mind or not....based on the words we share. RL race, colour, shape, size and age - are of no consequence !!
My kinda place :))
I have NOT become obsessed with online sex....and have not managed to leave my RL partner over it ....he accepts SL as part of my relaxation and enjoyment. The family choose to watch the Simpsons for hours on Tv...and I dont. My husband watches hours of Surfing on cable...and I dont ....so it all evens out. He often comes over to the screen, and says hello to my friends ....sharing a joke or a comment about their clothing....and walks away. My kids look briefly, and I am careful about what I allow them to see. The camera moves quickly when u need it to. :)
( I realise I am luckier than most....as we know many people's partners resent SL and consider the connections 'affairs' etc. If only they realised its much better for your RL partner to have an 'online' lover than a RL lover. )
I get very frustrated when people blame sl for marriage breakdowns. If the relationship was solid and fine to start with - SL is not going to destroy it. Marriages breakdown for many more reasons - other than Second Life. Im not sure if these people realise it...but people are having on line sex on Yahoo, Msn, and various other online spaces on the net. Second Life certainly doesnt have the corner on this market !
The thing that probably frustrates me the most....is that NONE of my RL friends or family for that matter ..understand SL ...however are very quick to judge it and criticize it ! I would love nothing more than to meet my dear RL Friends on here and party the night away !! Not all live close by anymore..and I know that if they ever bothered to jump in ...they would have a BLAST !!
One friend would make a fortune singing Live on sl !! Yes my dear ..u know who you are. Another would be a marvellous teacher on here !! I see our world as a simple extension of the old days of Pen Pals ...!!
I have met SL men who regularly meet their college mates online and play poker. There are large corporations holding board meetings in world ? Why wont my friends just come have a dance ? Alas...they dont. I shall remain the poor sad person who has become addicted.....yes ADDICTED to SL....Happily Addicted. I could be addicted to alcohol, drugs or the Milkman. I think my choice is ok :)
The rumors have circulated regularly amongst my rl friends - that I have 'lost the plot' and 'need help'. Little do they realise - that I have some of the most stimulating conversations with people from America, Canada, England....etc etc...and am learning sooo much about the world by chatting in this global Environment. I am also learning a lot about the technology of Second Life, and building. It is by far, the most creative place I have ever been.
My darling sister managed to publicy scrutinize me at a recent family function ....not long after there had been an OVER published report about a woman divorcing her husband for having an 'online affair ". First of all ..it was near impossible explaining to her the ridiculousness of divorce over a virtual relationship....and second of all ...she kept referring to the people I meet on here as 'not real' ? ....I kept reminding her that I was in fact a REAL person...and so are all the others...she continued to berate me in front of my family, to which I had to turn away and simply say ...You dont understand SL. It is an individual journey for every person, and we all make choices. She very smartly told me ..that her friends on Facebook are REAL !! duh ? As is her name on Facebook ...and her RL pics that she posts for ALL THE WORLD TO SEE ! but noooo ...Im the one whose lost the plot ??? The fact that I participate in SL with a psuedo name of Amber....and NO RL pics of myself...seemed to be of no relevance ????? I didnt judge her choice to publicly disclose her real life name and pics on the internet. ( and she wonders why I wont join it ?? )
I went out recently with a bunch of girlfriends, one of whom was meeting up with a guy she had met 'on the internet'. Nobody at the table questioned this at all. Well perhaps it was discussed... briefly...but we were all excited to meet the 30 year old man my friend was about to meet. This man was driving for an hour and a half to meet my gf ...and 'have a drink'. As we waited, one of my friends said to me...."He could be an axe murderer ?". I scanned the room, which was more like a meat market than anything else...and I said to her calmly..."There are probably a few 'axe murderers' here my dear....!"
Just because someone is online doesnt make them a deviate !!!
BTW...the guy ended up being 46...and a non smoker. My gf smokes like a chimney, is a party animal and this guy was a greenie who didnt smoke or drink and protected the environment. Needless to say he left after half an hour.
The other aspect in sl....is that we dont need to lie. We dont need to manifest false ages, false heights, false stories...because there is no need to !! Many still do...but the reality is ...we dont need to ! We can be who we are ..in the security of our Avatars. The usual 'judgement' from others is basically non existent. We have a small box....that relies on words only. Using the oldest, most basic form of communication, words and our minds. We meet each other and connect with that little box and our words. We decide if we connect with that mind or not....based on the words we share. RL race, colour, shape, size and age - are of no consequence !!
My kinda place :))
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Smiley Faces and the LOL .........
After reading pangs blog regarding critiques of his work..AND how he was given negative feedback followed by the courteous smiley face - it got me thinking about all the little things we do in here. For example - I seem to have created a trademark typing character with my dots........ Its simply my way of pausing as I speak. I realise though it annoys the absolute fuck out of some people. I used to have a question mark fetish ..????? It seems I have replaced it with the dots.
Someone recently said to me, you just send me a smiley face when ur busy and u dont have time to talk. THIS IS NOT TRUE ! However I am sure some people do practice this 'fake smile' - I most certainly do not. I need it to be known, that when I offer you a :) it is because I am genuinly smiling. I agree with Pang when he gets pissed off at someone who is actually putting shit on you ....ending the smart arse remark with a smile. Its condascending. Almost like ending an abusive remark with the word sweetie ? ( eg. Those boots look absolutely dreadful with that outfit sweetie:) Well maybe not quite like that - but u know what I mean.
As for the LOL.....dot dot dot.....I LOVE laughing. I usually use the abbreviation HAHAHA when Im really laughing a lot...and of course the length varies depending on how funny it is ! I do agree with pang that we use LOL way too much. I would like to see us being somewhat more inventive with our laughter. Perhaps we could vary the types of laughter. I often snort when I laugh ..so sometimes I actually type the word SNORTING. I would like to encourage others to do the same. Quilla laughs like Mutley ! You know off Wacky Races the cartoon...when she really gets going - she does what I call a 'Mutley'. This means shes really having a hard time catching her breath. Then there is the 'rofl'. I tend to roll on the floor so I do use that one a lot. Another one I like to use....is 'clapping hands' for when Im extremely impressed with something funny - it indeed makes me want to clap my hands.
I also have a "Mt. Vesuvius " which is clearly when u hold your breath trying NOT to laugh , because your on voice late at night or whatever...and holding the laugh in only makes you laugh more....so eventually it explodes out your mouth ..like...Mt. Vesuvius.
Really - we could go on and on. I look forward to a whole new set of LAUGHING abbreviations that you should leave on here in our comments section and of course we shall archive them in the DICKtionary!!
After reading pangs blog regarding critiques of his work..AND how he was given negative feedback followed by the courteous smiley face - it got me thinking about all the little things we do in here. For example - I seem to have created a trademark typing character with my dots........ Its simply my way of pausing as I speak. I realise though it annoys the absolute fuck out of some people. I used to have a question mark fetish ..????? It seems I have replaced it with the dots.
Someone recently said to me, you just send me a smiley face when ur busy and u dont have time to talk. THIS IS NOT TRUE ! However I am sure some people do practice this 'fake smile' - I most certainly do not. I need it to be known, that when I offer you a :) it is because I am genuinly smiling. I agree with Pang when he gets pissed off at someone who is actually putting shit on you ....ending the smart arse remark with a smile. Its condascending. Almost like ending an abusive remark with the word sweetie ? ( eg. Those boots look absolutely dreadful with that outfit sweetie:) Well maybe not quite like that - but u know what I mean.
As for the LOL.....dot dot dot.....I LOVE laughing. I usually use the abbreviation HAHAHA when Im really laughing a lot...and of course the length varies depending on how funny it is ! I do agree with pang that we use LOL way too much. I would like to see us being somewhat more inventive with our laughter. Perhaps we could vary the types of laughter. I often snort when I laugh ..so sometimes I actually type the word SNORTING. I would like to encourage others to do the same. Quilla laughs like Mutley ! You know off Wacky Races the cartoon...when she really gets going - she does what I call a 'Mutley'. This means shes really having a hard time catching her breath. Then there is the 'rofl'. I tend to roll on the floor so I do use that one a lot. Another one I like to use....is 'clapping hands' for when Im extremely impressed with something funny - it indeed makes me want to clap my hands.
I also have a "Mt. Vesuvius " which is clearly when u hold your breath trying NOT to laugh , because your on voice late at night or whatever...and holding the laugh in only makes you laugh more....so eventually it explodes out your mouth ..like...Mt. Vesuvius.
Really - we could go on and on. I look forward to a whole new set of LAUGHING abbreviations that you should leave on here in our comments section and of course we shall archive them in the DICKtionary!!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
On Q's Mind!!
Just a few different thoughts for you that have been rattling around in my head lately.
1. Teamwork
This has been very much in my mind after the recent display of teamwork at the Cage in the past week. Firstly, when as can happen in SL due to FL influences (due to having stuff to do, not being well and loss of internet connection) the Cage was left without a host. To use Tamm's words…"I came in no one was here so I just started hosting". This I think is a fine example of what being part of a team is, seeing the need and just stepping up to do what needs to be done.
Then of course was the wonderful example of teamwork when the Cage was moved all in one go. I know that both Shado and Amber were suffering lack of sleep before they even started the process. I arrived after it had actually been moved and there had been some problems with the building to find Amber, Shado and yes of all people Mr Glaz working away to get everything in order and making sure that it was up and running and ready to go for the next day. The feeling in the air was indescribable and although I was there basically to offer moral support it was lovely to be part of that feeling and to see how when the need is there everyone just works so well together.
2. Forte
Okay enough for now….. yes of course people there has been a lot more running through my head than this, but really you don't want to go there…LMAO!! Seriously, these were just some thoughts that have been very prominent in my mind lately so since I can I just thought I would share them with you.
1. Teamwork
This has been very much in my mind after the recent display of teamwork at the Cage in the past week. Firstly, when as can happen in SL due to FL influences (due to having stuff to do, not being well and loss of internet connection) the Cage was left without a host. To use Tamm's words…"I came in no one was here so I just started hosting". This I think is a fine example of what being part of a team is, seeing the need and just stepping up to do what needs to be done.
Then of course was the wonderful example of teamwork when the Cage was moved all in one go. I know that both Shado and Amber were suffering lack of sleep before they even started the process. I arrived after it had actually been moved and there had been some problems with the building to find Amber, Shado and yes of all people Mr Glaz working away to get everything in order and making sure that it was up and running and ready to go for the next day. The feeling in the air was indescribable and although I was there basically to offer moral support it was lovely to be part of that feeling and to see how when the need is there everyone just works so well together.
2. Forte
In a way an offshoot from my thoughts on teamwork is how all of us have our own specialities or forte. Things that we are good at. The problem is that a lot of the time people know a little bit about a lot so think they know a lot about everything and neglect to pay attention or acknowledge another person's "forte" (this is a major generalisation of course). If you are reading this blog you know that Amber and I often tease each other about her lack of ability to build or align anything and about my fixation with having everything nicely aligned. But the fact remains teasing aside, when I rebuilt my shop a few months ago, I went first to Amber to ask her opinion on what she thought would work, when I decided to update my vendor boards I also went to Amber and of course our wedding, went to Amber again. Even though I may question and throw in suggestions when discussing these things with Amber, it is more as a way for me to learn, because when it comes to marketing, organising, decorating and managing, this is where Amber excels. When it comes to fixing things, making stuff and generally finding out stuff Amber knows that I am there and that all the teasing is just that. As neither Amber nor I are silly [no pffting here Mr Glaz], we acknowledge and take advantage of each others skills to our own and each others benefit. And yes I am aware that lots of people do this but right now I am talking about us, on account of the fact that this is our blog...lol!!
Okay enough for now….. yes of course people there has been a lot more running through my head than this, but really you don't want to go there…LMAO!! Seriously, these were just some thoughts that have been very prominent in my mind lately so since I can I just thought I would share them with you.
Oh and while I am here writing can't go without saying SL marriage rocks!! I am loving every minute of it, but then again I suppose like anything it takes the right person, so my darling Mitch if you read this mwahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (a) coz I love you and you are totally amazing; and (b) because I know it annoys the heck out of Amber when we do that…hhhhhhhhhhh (and the hhhhs are there for you Mr Pang, since I know you just love them :) ).

Oh, oh....one more thing!! Some pics of my latest projects.... well just because I kinda like the way they turned out!!! 

Ciao for now Q
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Computer crashes...!!
What an evening !!! Totally and utterly prepared as only Q can be....we had several very special tunes planned for the wedding....and because my comp died an hour prior...we never got to play them. So if u click the pics opposite ...u will hear what SHOULD have played at their wedding ceremony :)
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
OMG !! Did you hear Q got married!!!
A little while ago I yelled at Amber for deleting our earlier blog posts when she decided to tidy things up. I *cough* very calmly explained to her that a blog worked like a journal and you could look back and reflect on previous posts. Wow… I should have actually listened to what I was saying as I have just revisited my last post which was really not that long ago, yet so much has changed. In particular my comment "I have learnt that IF I ever go the SL relationship road again blah blah blah"…..ummm I have and big time. Yes people for those who don't already know on 6 March 2009 at 5am SLT…. I married Mitch in a lovely ceremony written and officiated at by Amber.
In true Q&A style we were so organised that I actually found myself on the day at a loss because I had nothing to keep me occupied. Although in true wedding style something had to go wrong at the last minute and after all Amber's hard work at selecting just the right music, her PC decided to give up the ghost an hour before the ceremony, whereupon she commandeered the family laptop proceeded to frantically download music and programs but alas the stream still refused to work. All the while, mind you periodically calling first on the phone and then in IM a nervous (that would be me) bride and speaking very calmly and saying everything would be fine and of course it was, the radio station that Amber selected played just the right selection of music at the right time.
Although as I did explain to Amber later, I had complete faith in her organising something with the music and the nerves really had nothing to do with that. Yes I knew I wanted to do this, I knew I wanted to commit to this relationship yet for some strange reason (who knows why) I never thought that my reactions to waiting to walk down to be married would be the same as in FL but they were, I remember waiting in my room, and making my AV pace back and forth and thinking how silly that was. But you know it wasn't silly at all, what it was, is what SL is an expression of what you are feeling inside and at that moment the pacing expressed visually my nervousness. I remained nervous until I tp'd down behind the trees to wait to walk down and I could read the chat… and of course Zen was being his usual daggy self and all I could do was laugh.
I know there were some lovely wishes from those there, but honestly I only know from later reading the chat log, from the moment I set foot on the red carpet and then was walked down the aisle by Della and right through the ceremony all I could focus on was Mitch and I and what Amber was saying, everything else was totally in the background. Again, a surprise to me who usually manages to multitask quite well, but again as it would be in FL, the ceremony was about Mitch and I, my mind and all my feelings were focused on him, so there was no room for anything else.
The place looked amazing thanks to Amber's wonderful decorating skills, everyone who could make the unusual time we had the wedding looked just stunning and well as always they are some of the best people around and Mitch and I thank them so much for being there for us and sharing our wedding with us and we also thank everyone who although unable to attend sent us their lovely thoughts and words.
In true Q&A style we were so organised that I actually found myself on the day at a loss because I had nothing to keep me occupied. Although in true wedding style something had to go wrong at the last minute and after all Amber's hard work at selecting just the right music, her PC decided to give up the ghost an hour before the ceremony, whereupon she commandeered the family laptop proceeded to frantically download music and programs but alas the stream still refused to work. All the while, mind you periodically calling first on the phone and then in IM a nervous (that would be me) bride and speaking very calmly and saying everything would be fine and of course it was, the radio station that Amber selected played just the right selection of music at the right time.
Although as I did explain to Amber later, I had complete faith in her organising something with the music and the nerves really had nothing to do with that. Yes I knew I wanted to do this, I knew I wanted to commit to this relationship yet for some strange reason (who knows why) I never thought that my reactions to waiting to walk down to be married would be the same as in FL but they were, I remember waiting in my room, and making my AV pace back and forth and thinking how silly that was. But you know it wasn't silly at all, what it was, is what SL is an expression of what you are feeling inside and at that moment the pacing expressed visually my nervousness. I remained nervous until I tp'd down behind the trees to wait to walk down and I could read the chat… and of course Zen was being his usual daggy self and all I could do was laugh.
I know there were some lovely wishes from those there, but honestly I only know from later reading the chat log, from the moment I set foot on the red carpet and then was walked down the aisle by Della and right through the ceremony all I could focus on was Mitch and I and what Amber was saying, everything else was totally in the background. Again, a surprise to me who usually manages to multitask quite well, but again as it would be in FL, the ceremony was about Mitch and I, my mind and all my feelings were focused on him, so there was no room for anything else.
The place looked amazing thanks to Amber's wonderful decorating skills, everyone who could make the unusual time we had the wedding looked just stunning and well as always they are some of the best people around and Mitch and I thank them so much for being there for us and sharing our wedding with us and we also thank everyone who although unable to attend sent us their lovely thoughts and words.
The Vows – Written and Officiated at by Amber Bracken
I just have to share with the you the wonderful ceremony Amber performed. Amber kept asking me if I was sure that we wanted her to officiate and both Mitch and I reiterated that yes we did. Well a couple of days before the wedding off the top of her head and with very little editing, Amber wrote the following ceremony. Mitch and I agreed that if we had searched high and low we could not have found a more meaningful and well written ceremony. Just in case we haven't said it recently… Amber thank you for everything…. big huggies from us both.
Welcome everyone to the SL Wedding of Mitch and Quilla.
I have been asked to officiate their vows today ...and am honoured to do so
We all have our reasons for being in sl ...
but the one thing we can’t deny exists in here is the friendships, the connections and the Love that comes from knowing a person's mind, as intimately as we can in here.
In this virtual world of SL .....
people, friends & companions slip in and out of our SL life.
When we meet someone special ...we usually know fairly quickly :)
Some of us don’t always get it as fast as others....:)) ....but generally we all have experienced the 'knowing' when two people connect in SL.
Who knew ...that seeing a name in a box......
could bring a smile from ear to ear ? Who knew.....that a virtual hug could feel so good ?
Who knew that having a wonderful Second Life companion ...could make our Real life day ..so much better :))
Quilla and Mitch know :)) .
...and want to take their relationship to a higher level in here and commit themselves to each other ...
..as a lasting friendship in SL....
.and they wanted us, their special friends to be here to witness it :)
Quilla and Mitch would both like to say a few words to each other ..
Amber Bracken smiles at Quilla ...
[Q’s words]
Mitch's Response:
my dearest Quilla....( or whatever u want to say )
I happily wear this ring as a sign of my commitment to our Love.
Mitch says his few words...
Mitch gives Q her ring
Dear quilla...
This ring is a token of my love. I marry you with this ring, and ask that you wear it as a commitment to our journey together in sl .
Mitch, my love
I happily wear this ring as a sign of my commitment to our Love.
Amber Bracken wipes away the tears.....and looks at Quilla and Mitch ...
With the absolute Power I give myself in second Life ...
....I now pronounce you
....we ALL pronounce you ...
Man and Wife.
You may now kiss the bride :))
Welcome everyone to the SL Wedding of Mitch and Quilla.
I have been asked to officiate their vows today ...and am honoured to do so
We all have our reasons for being in sl ...
but the one thing we can’t deny exists in here is the friendships, the connections and the Love that comes from knowing a person's mind, as intimately as we can in here.
In this virtual world of SL .....
people, friends & companions slip in and out of our SL life.
When we meet someone special ...we usually know fairly quickly :)
Some of us don’t always get it as fast as others....:)) ....but generally we all have experienced the 'knowing' when two people connect in SL.
Who knew ...that seeing a name in a box......
could bring a smile from ear to ear ? Who knew.....that a virtual hug could feel so good ?
Who knew that having a wonderful Second Life companion ...could make our Real life day ..so much better :))
Quilla and Mitch know :)) .
...and want to take their relationship to a higher level in here and commit themselves to each other ...
..as a lasting friendship in SL....
.and they wanted us, their special friends to be here to witness it :)
Quilla and Mitch would both like to say a few words to each other ..
Amber Bracken smiles at Quilla ...
[Q’s words]
Mitch's Response:
my dearest Quilla....( or whatever u want to say )
I happily wear this ring as a sign of my commitment to our Love.
Mitch says his few words...
Mitch gives Q her ring
Dear quilla...
This ring is a token of my love. I marry you with this ring, and ask that you wear it as a commitment to our journey together in sl .
Mitch, my love
I happily wear this ring as a sign of my commitment to our Love.
Amber Bracken wipes away the tears.....and looks at Quilla and Mitch ...
With the absolute Power I give myself in second Life ...
....I now pronounce you
....we ALL pronounce you ...
Man and Wife.
You may now kiss the bride :))
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Who indeed is anybody ???
I have been ordered by Q ....yes her ..Amber points! to update the blog ..
I have just finished reading Pang's blog. ( Attached to the Cage Blog )
Pang did indeed dj for a very small group of us for 5 hours straight at the Cage .....we were all completely lost in his music....enjoying each and every song Pang pulled out of his collection ....including some very old and obscure tunes.
I have known Pang for a long time in SL now...and have always loved his music. In my early days hanging out at a strip club ( not stripping ...but loving the environment and the people...) I met some of my most valued friends. Pang is one of those :) Who is Pang? Pang is...a very talented person. He is extremely humble...very polite...and has a very dry sense of humor. His taste in music is eklectic and classic. He may even be slightly shy...if I may say that. How do I know all this ? Because over time..I have come to know Pang ! I have watched, listened and seen him express his love of playing music for others...without any great fuss or fanfare. I do not talk to Pang often ...I do not know what he looks like in SL ...but I most definately trust him. How can this be ? Is this the same way we get to know people in RL ? No I dont think it is.
Why do we meet some people in SL and connect ? Why do we meet some people in SL and not connect ? Why do some people just 'feel' comfortable to be around and others dont ?
My theory ? is because it really is about our souls...our minds ..it is a very deep connection that we rarely experience in RL. WE barely scratch the surface in RL ..when meeting new people..or forming new friendships. Some people we would not even meet simply because of their appearance !! In here....we have nothing other than our thoughts and our words to communicate. ..and we dont judge by appearances.
Sure I hear u say ...duh ...thats no light bulb assessment ...I know - its basic.
We all come here to escape RL and its constraints... but I see SL embelishing our RL if we choose to learn while we are here. I believe SL is a valuable tool, that is teaching us about our minds and how we are all capable of so much more if we try.
I believe the act of sharing ones mind, thoughts & feelings...is ten times more intimate than any physical act of cyber sex. ( dont get me wrong ... nothing wrong with cyber sex ) ...however...I have to say ...I have experienced the most intimate - deep - moving moments - using very few typed words - listening to a special tune, watching a spectacular sunset over an SL ocean...in complete comfort with a special friend. You know ...those moments ? The moments you fall in sl love...or the moments you feel someone touching your arm....or your heart.
No cyber could come close to these moments of sharing for me. Thus the heightened feelings in here...everything is so much more focused on our 'minds'. Ten times more enjoyable...ten times more intimate...ten times more everything !! Yes ..the highs are incredibly high ..and the lows are incredibly low.
So accompany these intense connections with 'music'.....which we all know touches our souls....and well u might aswell take a rocket to the sun !!!
What Pang did for us the other night ...was took us all on a rocket to the sun...because we were all communicating ....respecting each others minds and thoughts...and giving each other energy which we all fed off. It was a very unique evening indeed. Close friends simply enjoying the space we created in SL. :)
Who is Pang? Who is Quilla? Who is Amber? Does it matter ? If we make the effort to communicate without judgement, without prejudice, without malice towards each other ...we find out very quickly - who we are dealing with. If we trust in our minds and our souls....we can actually find these amazing feelings of joy and happiness...but we need to respect the process.
Accepting without presumption...
Learning through mutual respect..
Does it really matter who we are ? Do we really need to explain ourselves ? I think not.
I have just finished reading Pang's blog. ( Attached to the Cage Blog )
Pang did indeed dj for a very small group of us for 5 hours straight at the Cage .....we were all completely lost in his music....enjoying each and every song Pang pulled out of his collection ....including some very old and obscure tunes.
I have known Pang for a long time in SL now...and have always loved his music. In my early days hanging out at a strip club ( not stripping ...but loving the environment and the people...) I met some of my most valued friends. Pang is one of those :) Who is Pang? Pang is...a very talented person. He is extremely humble...very polite...and has a very dry sense of humor. His taste in music is eklectic and classic. He may even be slightly shy...if I may say that. How do I know all this ? Because over time..I have come to know Pang ! I have watched, listened and seen him express his love of playing music for others...without any great fuss or fanfare. I do not talk to Pang often ...I do not know what he looks like in SL ...but I most definately trust him. How can this be ? Is this the same way we get to know people in RL ? No I dont think it is.
Why do we meet some people in SL and connect ? Why do we meet some people in SL and not connect ? Why do some people just 'feel' comfortable to be around and others dont ?
My theory ? is because it really is about our souls...our minds ..it is a very deep connection that we rarely experience in RL. WE barely scratch the surface in RL ..when meeting new people..or forming new friendships. Some people we would not even meet simply because of their appearance !! In here....we have nothing other than our thoughts and our words to communicate. ..and we dont judge by appearances.
Sure I hear u say ...duh ...thats no light bulb assessment ...I know - its basic.
We all come here to escape RL and its constraints... but I see SL embelishing our RL if we choose to learn while we are here. I believe SL is a valuable tool, that is teaching us about our minds and how we are all capable of so much more if we try.
I believe the act of sharing ones mind, thoughts & feelings...is ten times more intimate than any physical act of cyber sex. ( dont get me wrong ... nothing wrong with cyber sex ) ...however...I have to say ...I have experienced the most intimate - deep - moving moments - using very few typed words - listening to a special tune, watching a spectacular sunset over an SL ocean...in complete comfort with a special friend. You know ...those moments ? The moments you fall in sl love...or the moments you feel someone touching your arm....or your heart.
No cyber could come close to these moments of sharing for me. Thus the heightened feelings in here...everything is so much more focused on our 'minds'. Ten times more enjoyable...ten times more intimate...ten times more everything !! Yes ..the highs are incredibly high ..and the lows are incredibly low.
So accompany these intense connections with 'music'.....which we all know touches our souls....and well u might aswell take a rocket to the sun !!!
What Pang did for us the other night ...was took us all on a rocket to the sun...because we were all communicating ....respecting each others minds and thoughts...and giving each other energy which we all fed off. It was a very unique evening indeed. Close friends simply enjoying the space we created in SL. :)
Who is Pang? Who is Quilla? Who is Amber? Does it matter ? If we make the effort to communicate without judgement, without prejudice, without malice towards each other ...we find out very quickly - who we are dealing with. If we trust in our minds and our souls....we can actually find these amazing feelings of joy and happiness...but we need to respect the process.
Accepting without presumption...
Learning through mutual respect..
Does it really matter who we are ? Do we really need to explain ourselves ? I think not.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Who is Q?
Well Q is ME….. I may not look like Q in RL (that's right I don't have blonde hair and blue eyes) but in all other respects I am me, I don’t pretend, I don’t put on an act, I don’t bullshit.
Yes I like helping people, it’s what I do, always have can’t change that.
I like finding out how things work, so I pick up bits and pieces of information around the place and what I learn I am more than happy to share with others.
I like building when the mood takes me, I am not the greatest builder in SL but enjoy it nevertheless.
I am fiercely loyal to my friends and love them all and am and always will be there for them.
I try to be positive most of the time but I am human, like everyone else I have my bad days, just unlike a lot of people, except for rare occasions, only the people closest to me (namely Amber and Della) will know that as I don’t believe in coming in world to bitch and whine and moan and go “oh woe is me”…. Others can but I won’t. My RL is far from perfect but I am not in SL to go on about that, I am in SL to experience what SL has and take me away from RL.
I like people who know how to enjoy life and make the most of it, and I have found a great group of people in SL who do just that, I love to laugh and it is something I do a lot of in world. Love verbal banter and stimulating conversations… yes people you can have a “discussion” and have an “opinion” without it being an argument and friends can have differing opinions and still be friends, nor do they have to like everything you do, because it would be a boring world if they did.
What I have learnt?? Well I have learnt that I am now more open to new experiences than I thought I was and a heap of other stuff about me which quite frankly am not going to share here. And that is also it is the same for me in SL as it is in RL…. I don’t share a lot about “me”… so writing this little piece is a total rarity for me.
I have learnt that the majority of males make better friends than they do partners because I will not compromise who I am for them, I will not become a simpering fool to pander to their ego.
In SL as in RL I don’t give easily of myself but when I do I give a lot be it as a friend or a partner. I have learnt that IF I ever go the SL relationship road again, I want someone to explore with, share experiences with, someone who can be as honest with me as I am with them, not someone who pretends to care about me because for a time I make them feel good about themselves, but someone who actually cares about what I think and feel as much as I care about what they think and feel. Someone who is confident enough about who they are as a person not to need me to be less than I am to make them feel better.
I have also discovered that in SL I am totally obsessed with symmetry and balance, am totally addicted to textures, I love decorating, organising things and okay sometimes enjoy being just a little bit bossy (no laughing people!!!).
What I have found in SL? Well I have found some of the best people around, truly genuine fun loving people and most of them spend a lot of time at the Cage. I have also found a few select people who actually “know” me not just think they do and those people know who they are.
Ugh have I really raved on about me so much….. sorry… but you don’t have to read if it if you don’t want to, although if you have gotten this far you already have...LMAO!!!!
Ciao for now.
Yes I like helping people, it’s what I do, always have can’t change that.
I like finding out how things work, so I pick up bits and pieces of information around the place and what I learn I am more than happy to share with others.
I like building when the mood takes me, I am not the greatest builder in SL but enjoy it nevertheless.
I am fiercely loyal to my friends and love them all and am and always will be there for them.
I try to be positive most of the time but I am human, like everyone else I have my bad days, just unlike a lot of people, except for rare occasions, only the people closest to me (namely Amber and Della) will know that as I don’t believe in coming in world to bitch and whine and moan and go “oh woe is me”…. Others can but I won’t. My RL is far from perfect but I am not in SL to go on about that, I am in SL to experience what SL has and take me away from RL.
I like people who know how to enjoy life and make the most of it, and I have found a great group of people in SL who do just that, I love to laugh and it is something I do a lot of in world. Love verbal banter and stimulating conversations… yes people you can have a “discussion” and have an “opinion” without it being an argument and friends can have differing opinions and still be friends, nor do they have to like everything you do, because it would be a boring world if they did.
What I have learnt?? Well I have learnt that I am now more open to new experiences than I thought I was and a heap of other stuff about me which quite frankly am not going to share here. And that is also it is the same for me in SL as it is in RL…. I don’t share a lot about “me”… so writing this little piece is a total rarity for me.
I have learnt that the majority of males make better friends than they do partners because I will not compromise who I am for them, I will not become a simpering fool to pander to their ego.
In SL as in RL I don’t give easily of myself but when I do I give a lot be it as a friend or a partner. I have learnt that IF I ever go the SL relationship road again, I want someone to explore with, share experiences with, someone who can be as honest with me as I am with them, not someone who pretends to care about me because for a time I make them feel good about themselves, but someone who actually cares about what I think and feel as much as I care about what they think and feel. Someone who is confident enough about who they are as a person not to need me to be less than I am to make them feel better.
I have also discovered that in SL I am totally obsessed with symmetry and balance, am totally addicted to textures, I love decorating, organising things and okay sometimes enjoy being just a little bit bossy (no laughing people!!!).
What I have found in SL? Well I have found some of the best people around, truly genuine fun loving people and most of them spend a lot of time at the Cage. I have also found a few select people who actually “know” me not just think they do and those people know who they are.
Ugh have I really raved on about me so much….. sorry… but you don’t have to read if it if you don’t want to, although if you have gotten this far you already have...LMAO!!!!
Ciao for now.
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